Selection criteria
All eligible submissions will be evaluated by an independent judging panel. Judges will assign up to 5 points for each selection criterion (for a total of up to 25 points) during the scoring of submissions based on five selection criteria.
The extent to which the action plan demonstrates an innovative solution that advances clean energy use while considering broader applications.
The extent to which the action plan demonstrates a practical solution to advance clean energy use at the school or in the community.
The extent to which the action plan improves students' academic, technical, and collaboration skills, as well as awareness of clean energy related careers.
The extent to which the action plan demonstrates cross-disciplinary partnership, including at least one CTE program.
The extent to which the action plan involves a broad cross-section of students, including students from Special Populations and Underserved Students (see definition in Federal Register).
Additional considerations
The Department of Education will review the recommendations of the judges. To ensure varied distribution of awards, the Department will consider additional characteristics when selecting winners from the top-scoring submissions; these characteristics include:
- Geographic location and local population density.
- Percentage of students enrolled in free and reduced price lunch programs under the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act (42 U.S.C. 1759), as amended through P.L. 116–6.
- School size (number of students).